Bradford Equestrian Arena

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Bradford Full Sized Dressage Arena

We were contacted by the owners who were looking to create a suitable arena for their horses on a very sloped site. From the outset, we understood that this site preparation was quite a large undertaking and the need to protect the local environment.

Our team of experts carefully excavated the site, ensuring that we retained bankings using gabion baskets and minimised disruption to the new arena's natural surroundings. We executed the necessary ground work, creating a level and stable base for the arena choosing the right materials and design to ensure safety and durability. We understand the importance of levelling the ground properly and using the correct membranes and riding surfaces to ensure the arena is safe and suitable for riding.

The project was a great success, and the owners were extremely satisfied with the results. They now have a state-of-the-art horse riding arena that provides a safe and suitable environment for their riders and their horses.

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